Usually when an imperial power forces a supplicant nation like Britain into a ruinous Agreement under Treaty law they shut up and don’t gloat about it. But the EU is drunk with power and can’t believe the humiliation they have heaped on the UK. So they reveal their true malice and future intent to deny us a fair trade deal. The more Theresa May has set out around the country to sell her surrender package the less support she has. She is as great a poison for her own EU deal as she was for her party when she called a general election last year.
The best deal is now a No deal – that is a World Trade Organisation deal. Ironically it is only the defeat of the May Deal which gives us what May promised Brexit would be! Latest polls show only 25% believe her deal is a “true Brexit” and 63% believe it does not reflect the meaning of the referendum result. 37% of voters said they would be less likely to vote for their MP if he/she voted for the May deal. No wonder.
Starting to negotiate from the hard won right (in the Lisbon Treaty) to leave the imperialist block May managed after 2 and a half years to sign up to a deal which removes the right of the UK to leave of its own volition!
It binds traders into the political single market, allows no trade deals to be implemented until the UK leaves in 2,3,4,5? years time. Binds us into the customs union which prevents even meaningful free trade negotiations and keeps us under the rule of the European Court. Free movement continues (with anyone coming in the transition period having the right to stay after Brexit) and for all these liabilities she has promised to pay £40bn. No free trade deal has been negotiated, there is no commitment to such a deal and the French are already claiming our fishing grounds (as will the Dutch Spanish and Danish at least) and the Spanish are claiming Gibraltar before we have even started talking. Anyone of the 27 members states will have a veto over any final trade deal but in the indeterminate interim the EU will be making our laws without any British MEPs, EU judges and EU commissioners.
The UK has to spend money promoting the Agreement to the people and parliament, the European Court controls the whole process, we have to implement laws passed without our input in the transition period and the UK agrees not to disadvantage the EU in any future international dealings!
I provide the link here to my Sputnik Radio interview on Trump, the May Deal terms and Brexit:
Sexual predators, as we know, pay their victims to keep quiet and to control them. The UK is the victim here and being bound under EU control but we are actually paying the EU to bind us. Just when we are starting a “negotiation” of our vital trading interests we kick away the basis of our negotiating position! They keep saying no, May’s backstop stops us walking away and the only end is total subjugation.
No wonder May has refused – against all parliamentary precedent – to publish the official legal advice on the deal despite Parliament demanding it in a motion unopposed by the government! May once demanded publication of the legal advice on the Iraq war but now refuses to do the same on this most critical issue for the future of our country.
May has continued to lie in parliament and in the country about what she has achieved with her Deal. The facts totally contradict the red lines she originally set out and even the new more limited claims she now makes. She keeps saying this is the best deal and she “is clear about this”. May is not clear – just transparently stupid and duplicitous.
In the most extraordinary comment of any British Prime Minister in history Theresa May has said (to journalists on her way to the G20 summit in Argentina):
“Obviously, we have negotiated a good trade deal with the European Union. I think that’s also important for the rest of the world as well.”
She has NOT negotiated ANY trade deal with the European Union, only a ruinous EXIT Deal. On her timetable we won’t have a trade deal for at least another 2 years. Where are the men in white coats? What an embarrassment.
Even more extraordinary is the likely illegality – under the UN Charter, the UN Convention, the Vienna Convention on Treaties and the British constitution – of the May Withdrawal Agreement which she has already signed. Only Parliament can stop her by refusing to ratify. Although there a plenty of parliament rats to ratify it, most will I am sure impose a big defeat on this disgraceful treasonous Government although most of them for no reason of constitutional or moral principle!
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties makes it clear that treaties signed under duress are invalid and can be revoked. The EU is threatening the UK with economic and trade losses unless we sign up to permanent control by them. It is illegal to remove the right of one or other party of an Agreement to withdraw – but that is what this Agreement does. And of course by lying to the British people and parliament the Treaty, were it to be ratified, would be invalid if it were based on falsehoods.
The UN Charter prohibits treaties between states where the boundaries of one state are questioned or the jurisdiction of a part of a State is alienated. Both are true in the May deal as regards Northern Ireland.
The UK Constitution makes it clear in a number of treason acts and under Common Law on “undermining the constitution” that no Government can surrender – potentially indefinitely with no right of withdrawal – jurisdiction over the country and its people.
Even before the trade deal negotiations start, President Macron and others are demanding control of British territorial waters for their fishermen. They will only accept our fish in trade if we sacrifice our borders (200 mile fishing limit) to them on the same basis as hitherto inside the EU.
This encapsulates the whole basis of historic German and French and hence modern EU imperialist expansion. As they said to the poor East European countries recently freed from Soviet Communism – “of course we can have trade with you (with exceptions!) but only if you surrender your sovereignty to us”.
Now they apply the same logic to the departing UK. We will trade with you (they have an annual trade surplus of some £95bn with the UK) but only if you obey our laws, stay in our customs union (with high tariffs which make our people poor and geared towards French and German industrial protection, but little help to UK financial services!)
The writing is on the wall. By far the best deal is an immediate clean break and trade on WTO rules, becoming once again a sovereign nation with our place among the biggest trading block in the world (34% of GDP) – the USA, the Commonwealth, Britain and – possibly one day Ireland!
So concentrated on her appeasement of the Euro-Establishment (in the UK and Europe) May has insulted our major ally and best hope for future trading prosperity – the United States. One of her former ministers has said: “When I visited the US in September I was told by people close to the administration that Trump had made an offer but Mrs May told him the UK wasn’t ready.”
To further alienate the USA the May Withdrawal Agreement contains the most dangerous related negotiations on Defence co-operation committing to all the EU’s defence procurement, defence cooperation and funding which the EU itself sees as the foundation of a European Army – thus weakening NATO. The French in particular see this as a welcome marginalising of the USA.
In March this year a recording was published of a meeting of UK and EU civil servants on defence issues at the LSE showed how civil servants were going beyond their duty to “negotiate the detail of that at the same time as we are discussing the political high-level fluffy bits that will go into any declaration that gets made public.” while another said their agreements were like a Kit Kat “where you have the cover of………the kind of political framework cover and underneath you have a series of different agreements.”
We must never underestimate the extreme dangers of weak politicians – their democratic responsibilities are soon taken over by others who are not elected, be they big business or the civil service or special interest groups. No wonder the Department for Exiting the EU Ministers who resigned were angry at the sudden growth of the Withdrawal Deal from 80 pages to 585!
And no wonder that a letter signed by ex-MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove, Lord Lawson and Falklands War veteran Maj Gen Julian Thompson says the deal represents a danger to the UK’s defence by surrendering to EU control and compromising vital British Intelligence sources (threatening the “5 Eyes” security cooperation between the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).
On the freedom to negotiate and implement trade deals there is damaging discrimination between the EU and the UK in the May Deal. The EU will be able to offer their trade partners access to the UK market in return for privileges for EU exporters without any input from the UK (Article 7 immediately excludes us from any institutions or bodies).
We will be affected immediately by THEIR decisions when they negotiate such deals in the transition (+ extension) period but we cannot implement OUR trade deals negotiated in the same period! We will have to wait potentially indefinitely until the EU approves our final exit, making the UK an economic and political hostage with all the “leverage” (as the EU’s deputy Chief Negotiator observed) being with the EU.
We now see in the gloating of EU officials about their deal and in the threats from the French on fishing and the Spanish on Gibraltar (all with EU support) how dangerous the May surrender document is.
President of the EU Commission Juncker on Gibraltar:
“Madrid successfully extracted statements of support from the EU27, and Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission. Speaking after the Brexit deal was endorsed, Mr Juncker said, “Please don’t underestimate the importance of this question for the kingdom of Spain.“We are with Spain,” he added in a clear sign that the EU would back Madrid over the Rock during the trade negotiations that will begin after Brexit Day on 29 March 2019.”
Martin Selmayr the undemocratically appointed deputy to Juncker, the grandson of a Nazi war criminal, has told Member states that, thanks to Mrs May’s brilliant negotiating skills, “the power is with us”.
Other scandalous actions by the British Prime Minister in her “Deal” and her attempts to get it approved by Parliament are:
- EU personnel can never be tried for criminal offences in the UK according to the Withdrawal Deal
- The May Government has paid millions of pounds of taxpayers money to buy online adverts at Google so that any search for Brexit will give links to Government propaganda for the Deal – as indeed the Surrender document dictated she had to do!!
- In a similar move to the Nazi appeasing Tory Government of the 1930s (when Churchill’s constituents were urged to de-select him) May has been emailing party members to threaten Tory MPs with defeat of they did not support her Deal!
- In an attempt to buy off votes May has awarded a Knighthood to the longstanding eurosceptic John Hayes while the Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher and his opposite number Labour Mark Tami have been made Privy Councillors.
Apparently the Government Whips know they are heading for a big defeat and “don’t have their hearts in it” as one MP has said. No wonder. Even the (mostly not well informed) MPs have seen this deal for what it is – a spineless and dangerous surrender of national democratic sovereignty, constitutional freedom, economic independence and defence security.
It deserves a massive defeat – as does the Prime Minister who presented it.