There were two basic schools of thought about how to react to the Coronavirus. The social and business shut down model (based on the now discredited work of Imperial College London which gi... Read more
Counting COVID19 deaths are critical to the justification of shutting down the world economy, building new hospitals, sending patients (some with the virus) back into nursing homes and the p... Read more
NHS staff deaths are far lower than among the general public, the coronavirus death statistics are flawed, infection rates are much higher (and so death rates much lower than official statis... Read more
Bernard Chalumeau is the founder and president of the Alliance pour la souverainite de la France and I have known him for many years. I sent him the following set of interactive photographs... Read more
Countries’ national figures for Coronavirus show the number of cases and deaths and provide the stuff of newspaper and media headlines. But they are both probably entirely wrong and misleadi... Read more
In a remarkable study of the use by some countries of the tuberculosis vaccine, the New York Institute of Technology has shown that countries that have a long history of childhood vaccinatio... Read more
First of all let us consider the facts. In 1957 1.1m people world wide died of the flu. In England and Wales in the week of 5th to 11th January 2015 there were 15,000 deaths. So far there ha... Read more
Italy has had (as at the 23/3) 5,476 deaths from the coronavirus 2,215 more than China where the virus has probably run its course. Italy has had 978 cases per million of population. From It... Read more
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is not related to or a form of the flu (Influenza), it is part of the family of Coronaviruses which includes MERS and SARS. It has proved far more infectious... Read more
“I’m here in Turkey to show British solidarity with you, the Turkish people, because when you need our support we will always be there for you. And because our friendship matters now more th... Read more