The number and seniority of Nazis and Fascists who helped to found the European Union – and the leading Nazi who was for 9 years the EU’s first Commission President – is well est... Read more
This is a great and very important article. Bernard Chalumeau, Alliance pour la Souverainete de la France The recently signed Franco-German Aachen Treaty and the consolidation of its predece... Read more
I am reproducing this article from 2013 because it explains why the UK is finding it so difficult to leave the fascist European Union. And it shows how even our own democratic institutions a... Read more
I have every sympathy with the democratic, patriotic audience of the Tory Party and the Daily Mail but both have been betrayed by corporate functionaries today just as they were when those i... Read more
by Professor Arthur Noble The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), one of the German mainstream media’s steadfast supporters of the European Union, deviated from the norm on 22 January 2019... Read more
The British press and politicians demand the UK should act (ie sign Mrs May’s surrender document) rather than face a “no deal” Brexit – but they never demand the EU should change and b... Read more