I am publishing today on Freenations a letter written by the British Shadow Foreign Secretary just before the General Election of 2001 to all Conservative Party MPs warning them not to sign the British Declaration of Independence because claiming their rights to self Government would mean leaving the European Union. From that day on the major political parties (for they ALL warned their candidates!) could no longer claim that the UK was a sovereign democratic country despite being in the European Union. That realisation led directly to MPs agreeing the Referendum of 2016, to Brexit and our status as an independent country today.
Despite EU attempts post Brexit to destroy our fishing industry and the City of London and continuing large UK payments to the EU, UK GDP since 2016 has expanded 6.8% – more than Germany (5.5%) France (6.2%) and Italy (2.1%). Exports to the EU are at their highest levels ever.
Britain’s 48 year membership of the nation-and-democratic-sovereignty-destroying European Union was built on deceit. Sold to the British people and parliament in the 1972 legislation as the membership of a free trade organisation, it was nothing of the sort and subsequent Treaties transferred ever more constitutional rights to the embryo Euro-State, making national elections in the UK ever more irrelevant. As the Europhile Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke admitted in Parliament even the Queen had become a “European Citizen”. And as the late Norris McWhirter and I pointed out in the book “Treason at Maastricht” https://www.amazon.com/Treason-at-Maastricht-Rodney-Atkinson-ebook/dp/B0067NP9D2/ref=sr_1_7?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1404026618&sr=1-7 she was therefore no longer a Sovereign but a Suzerain!
So successful had this constitutional con trick been that few even inside parliament knew how much British democracy and self government had wasted away.
In order to ensure that only those electoral candidates who actually supported the British people’s right to self government were elected to Parliament we launched in 1999 the South Molton Declaration – which subsequently became the British Declaration of Independence. The idea was to assert in writing (and subsequently in law) all the democratic and legal rights which most MPs thought we still possessed but which in fact had disappeared because of our membership of the European Union. MPs who signed the Declaration committed to voting for the BDI Bill.
The Democratic Declaration of a prospective MP to the electorate. |
I, ……………… hereby irrevocably declare to my electorate that at the first opportunity following my election, I shall lay before Parliament and vote for a Bill, or vote in favour of such a Bill presented by others, (and continue to do so until the Bill is passed into law) which, in accordance with the rights of all peoples to self determination as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights of 1966: Asserts the sole authority of the Westminster Parliament to initiate, pass and repeal all legislation and regulation applied to the people of the United Kingdom and asserts the supreme authority of the British judiciary in all law applied to the people of the United Kingdom. And recognises: the sole allegiance of MPs, ministers and British officials to the Parliament and Democratic institutions of the United Kingdom and that all British subjects owe allegiance, duties and obligations only to the United Kingdom. the exclusive control by the Westminster parliament over who resides within and votes in any elections in the United Kingdom, control over the borders of the United Kingdom and the exclusive right to grant or withhold permission to cross those borders. the historic rights of British subjects to inter alia Habeas Corpus, Trial by Jury and presumed innocence and prevents their extradition to any jurisdiction which does not afford such rights or which refuses to extradite to the United Kingdom. the sole control by the Bank of England of all British gold and foreign currency reserves (and their location within the United Kingdom) and Bank of England or British Government control over the Pound Sterling, British national monetary policy and interest rates. the right of the British Government, as the representative of a Sovereign British people and nation, to sign international treaties and conventions which facilitate free trade and co-operation between nations but which in no way compromise the supreme authority of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. And I pledge that I will vote against any legislation which explicitly or impliedly repeals or contraverts the above principles, so long as I remain a Member of Parliament. I, …………….., being the prospective parliamentary candidate for …………CONSTITUENCY hereby declare this … day of … that, should I not fulfil the terms of this Agreement at the first opportunity after being elected to parliament, I will immediately resign so that a by-election may be held and a new Member elected to serve for the remainder of the parliament. Signed…………………………………. |
If the political parties had told the truth over the years then passing the BDI Bill would not mean leaving the EU but if they had lied then passing the Bill would have contradicted and therefore repealed the EU Entry legislation and subsequent treaties.
The political parties knew that if the Bill were passed they could no longer keep up the pretence that EU membership was comparable with British parliamentary democracy. And they were forced to admit to their MPs that the rights they had taken for granted could not be asserted – so they fought the Declaration tooth and nail.
The purpose of the BDI was first to educate MPs and their electorates about what had happened to democratic rights and parliamentary authority and secondly to ensure that the people could elect a Brexit Parliament by voting only for those who signed the Declaration and committed to the sovereignty-asserting legislation.
So this was the letter which Maude sent to all Tory candidates:

I am sorry that the text (it was faxed to us by an MP) is now (20 years later) somewhat faded. But the text is:
“Many candidates who have replied to the South Molton Declaration Committe’s initial letter have now received a second letter. This note may help candidates in dealing with this correspondence.
Please note that the South Molton Declaration Committee’s website says ‘If the European Union has indeed taken away any of our rights then the South Molton Bill will mean the United Kingdom’s automatic withdrawal from the European Union’
Given that the rest of their publicity indicates that they do think such rights have already been taken away the South Molton Declaration Committee clearly intend that their proposed Bill would lead to the withdrawal from the EU. Our political opponents will claim that any signatory of the South Molton Declaration is effectively committing to withdrawal from the EU.
In the light of this candidates may wish to make use of the paragraphs on the page attached”
Those paragraphs of course urged the candidates not to sign the Declaration!
Note how the letter is concerned with what other people think (ie the SMD and other political parties) – not the Tory party. Of course it did not matter what the “SMD Committee” or anyone else THOUGHT. It was a question of what the political class (and specifically the Conservative Party in 1972 and subsequently) had actually DONE.
If they had not betrayed the rights enumerated in the Declaration then there was no problem. But Maude was clearly aware that the passage of a Bill merely asserting the British people’s legal, political and constitutional freedoms would in fact mean leaving the EU.
In the end of course – 20 politically tortuous years later – this is exactly what happened!