In response to a public petition opposing mandatory vaccination, the British Government provided the following nonsensical response: my replies are in italic.
“The United Kingdom operates a system of informed consent for vaccinations.”
No it does not. Patients are not shown VAERS, EU and UK deaths and adverse reaction statistics nor are they told that the vaccines are not licensed and have not gone through normal testing procedures but developed in haste. They are approved for emergency use only.
Nor are they told that the vaccine manufacturers are protected from prosecution. Nor are they told that Governments have got to buy the vaccines they ordered whether they use them or not and whether or not an effective treatment is developed (even though emergency use approval was dependent on there being no treatments available) Patients are actually told lies – ie that adverse reactions are “rare” when they are not as over 40,000 deaths and millions of adverse reactions in the USA, UK and EU testify.
“We are encouraging people to get vaccinated to reduce serious illness, reduce pressure on hospitals and reduce deaths.”
But countries with low vaccination rates have reduced deaths by as much as countries with high vaccination rates. And the comparison of Japan (low vaccinations) and South Korea (high vaccinations) – see below – shows that vaccinations lead to more deaths.
“The United Kingdom operates a system of informed consent (rubbish see above) for vaccinations. We are not forcing anyone to take the vaccine, but we must ensure the safety of the people most at risk from COVID-19 in our society as our first priority.”
Children are hardly at any risk at all but they are being propagandised into being vaccinated. Child deaths following vaccination are well documented and horrendous.
“It is a general legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained from an individual before they receive the COVID-19 vaccination as would be the case before starting any other treatment or physical intervention.
For consent to receive the vaccine to be valid, it must be given by an appropriately informed person with capacity who is acting voluntarily and who has given consent to receiving the vaccine freely without undue pressure or coercion.”
This cannot be said of schoolchildren who are being vaccinated. The British government acted disgracefully when, after their own vaccine advisory committee said children should not be vaccinated then proceeded to prepare for those vaccinations and then pressured that committee to change its advice.
“We are encouraging people to get vaccinated to reduce serious illness, reduce deaths and reduce pressure on hospitals.”
But vaccination has coincided with high infection rates in virtually all countries and especially in the UK where the Booster programme has driven infection rates to record highs. The deaths are proportionately lower (as the virus is losing its power) but still higher in July to October 2021 than in the same period in 2020 (before vaccinations started).
Boosters in the UK rose by 125% from 10th December to 21st December with the result that infections rose 142% between 21st December and 4th January.
“Throughout the pandemic we have had to take difficult decisions balancing individual choices against the wider risks to some of the most vulnerable people in our society. It is the professional responsibility of all those who can have the vaccine to take it in order to safely work with people most at risk from COVID-19.”
But several studies have shown that the vaccinated are either more infectious than the unvaccinated or equally infectious. Cruise ships with entirely vaccinated passengers have seen serious infections and the American CDC has said people should not go on cruises regardless of whether they are fully vaccinated!
Researchers at the Statens Serum Institute at the University of Copenhagen found that ““Comparing households infected with the Omicron to Delta VOC, we found an 1.17 times higher SAR for unvaccinated, 2.61 times higher for fully vaccinated and 3.66 times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals
The Robert Koch Institute in Germany reported that 95% of the Omicron cases in Germany were fully vaccinated with 28% of them having received the Booster.
“COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of deployment for frontline health and social care and care home staff is not a mandatory vaccination policy (!), it is a condition that applies to anyone entering these high-risk care home settings or working directly with patients. Prior to the pandemic, workplace health and safety and occupational health policies were already in place which required the Hepatitis B vaccine for those deployed to undertake exposure prone procedures.”
There is therefore no reason why frontline staff cannot be re-assigned to other jobs but in fact they are losing their jobs if they are not vaccinated (despite the job not requiring the vaccination when they entered the profession). This is against all ethical and legal practice, against the January 2021 Resolution of the 47 member Council of Europe, against the Geneva Convention, against UNESCO rules on medical practice and the Nurnberg code (see previous posts on Freenations)
“Vaccines are now safer than ever before. Any vaccine must first go through the usual rigorous testing and development process and meet strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness before it can be deployed.”
The COVID vaccines have proven the unsafest ever under the American VAERS reporting system. Even the 21,000 deaths in this table are not a reflection of the true figures since underreporting by up 90% is a recognised feature of the VAERS system.

These vaccines are highly experimental and were developed in less than a year without the full range of tests on animals and humans in what is normally a 10 year approval process and they will not be fully licensed until 2023. We now know that for instance Pfizer covered up vaccine death statistics until they were forced to reveal them.
What Dr Robert Malone, who worked on the creation of the mRNA vaccine, has said of the US Government is equally applicable to the British Government.
“Our government is out of control on this….And they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common rule. They have broken all the rules that I know of, that I’ve been trained [in] for years and years”
“The UKHSA and the University of Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit previously reported on the direct and indirect impact of the vaccination programme on infections and mortality. Estimates suggest that 127,500 deaths and 24,144,000 infections have been prevented as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, up to 24 September.”
This is pure speculation and cannot be proved. But we can show the opposite by comparing South Korea where the vaccination programme has boomed with Japan where it has been severely constrained:

Unlike the British Government’s fatuous assertions these two graphs are conclusive.