by Professor Arthur Noble
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), one of the German mainstream media’s steadfast supporters of the European Union, deviated from the norm on 22 January 2019 when it carried a major opinion editorial speculating on whether the present German-dominated EU could be considered as “a lineal extension of National Socialism”.
Rodney Atkinson:
This article by Professor Arthur Noble summarises the slow but encouraging recognition by even elements in the mainstream media of my warnings since 1989 of the strong fascist and German imperialist elements in the founders, personalities, structure and policies of the European Union. This never meant that all those who founded and developed the EU were Nazis or Fascists but that many of the critical founders were just that. The “mainstream politicians” who went along with what was always an anti democratic, corporatist and elitist-socialist plan designed to destroy the democratic sovereignty of the people by abolishing the nation states were and are guilty by their unconsidered collaboration.
Hans Globke, Walter Hallstein, Twetschler von Falkenstein, Walter Funk, Hermann Abs, Reinhard Gehlen, Heinrich Hunke and many others were both leading Hitler Nazis and important post war figures in politics as the European Union was founded. Even the EU’s Charlemagne Prize idea has strong Nazi origins and its post war founders had been committed Nazis. The leading corporate supporters of the new “European Economic Community” – the same name given to the Nazis’ economic plan – on both sides of the Atlantic had been among the most prominent appeasers and collaborators with Nazi Europe. So the rise of openly fascist groups and insignia in Bosnia, Croatia, Spain and Ukraine – all with EU support – is no surprise.
The post war intelligence services were full of those who had been active Nazi functionaries and the speeches of those mainstream European politicians who consolidated the “country called Europe” in the 1990s and 2000s repeated almost word for word the ideas of the Nazis and Fascists of the 1930s and 1940s. All this is well documented in my books as Professor Noble indicates. I have just written to every editor of the British national newspapers asking them to review those books as a critical body of work which uniquely describe and explain the extreme crisis in Europe today (and the chaos in the British parliament as the British people do no more than seek to act as an independent democratic nation state in a world of nation states). Not one has done so. The German author of the article to which Professor Nobel refers (von Altenbockum) also declined!
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), one of the German mainstream media’s steadfast supporters of the European Union, deviated from the norm on 22 January 2019 when it carried a major opinion editorial speculating on whether the present German-dominated EU could be considered as “a lineal extension of National Socialism”(1) The author, FAZ‟s Domestic Politics Editor Jasper von Altenbockum, was careful to formulate his title as a question – “A NAZI EU?”; but, as the Strategic Culture Foundation‟s Alastair Crook notes, this idea had never been raised in the mainstream German media before, and the fact that it appears there at all signals an important development amounting to “a recognition that the dissidence being experienced by the EU has its roots in something other than just populist grievance tantrums”, namely “the resurfacing of an ancient struggle for the „soul‟ of the international political order”(2)
The Nazi origins, structure and policies of the EU have, of course, been clearly recognised, proven, and openly exposed again and again by those not obligated to the corporate media: by Rodney Atkinson in his revealing books “And into the Fire – fascist elements in post war Europe and the development of the European Union” (2013), “Fascist Europe Rising” (2001) and “Europe’s Full Circle” (1997) (3) by the outspoken article “Quarto Reich” (“Fourth Reich”) published in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale on 6 August 2012; by Simon Heffer‟s article in the Mail Online on 22 August 2012 headed “Rise of the Fourth Reich: How Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe”; and not least in my own numerous articles in the British Church Newspaper (issues 242, 243, 244, 250, 251, 295, 296, 297, 298, 321 and 375).
Waking up?
Now, for the first time in the German mainstream media, a FAZ article refers to Europe as “an open question”. Quoting the new AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) Leader Alexander Gauland at its party conference in Riesa on 14 January 2019, Altenbockum singles out the “corrupt, inflated, undemocratic and latent totalitarian apparatus” and the “supranational institutions” of the “coercive regime” in Brussels, mentioning Gauland‟s comparison of the EU to “the European ideology under National Socialism”. Altenbockum notes in particular the AfD Leader‟s promotion of the Eurosceptic argument that an institution with such characteristics “should have no future” and that it “[allows] Brexit to gain a historical justification”(4)
Referring to the concept of European unification, Gauland reminded his Riesa audience: “This goal was pursued by the French under Napoleon and unfortunately, in a way, by the National Socialists; and, as everybody knows, England [i.e., the UK] opposed them.” Later, in a speech in Berlin on 26 February 2019, he warned of the dangers of forgetting history: “The loss of historical memory was never a good way into the future.”(5) A day later he described EU Council President Donald Tusk‟s remark about a special place reserved for Brexiteers in Hell as “an affront against Theresa May and the British”(6)
Dexit or reform
Gauland also used his speech to warn against an immediate withdrawal of Germany from the EU and called instead for its fundamental reform. In an obvious reference to the possibility of „Dexit‟ [Deutschland + exit] he expressed understanding of the desire by many of his party colleagues to demolish the “total apparatus” in Brussels and Strasbourg, but cautioned at the same time: “We must always consider that the consequences of that could perhaps be unpredictable.” He said that the EU, which he described as “sick from head to toe”(7) needed to be returned to its original idea of purely economic integration, adding: “If [the EU] is not reformed, its days are numbered.” He called the situation for such a transformation “favourable” with the influence and support of the European right-wing popularism parties including amongst others Austria‟s FPÖ, Italy‟s Lega and Hungary‟s Fidesz.
It would certainly be the height of irony if Germany, the instigator, mainstay and economic hub of the European Union, were to vote for „Dexit‟ and by so doing leave and destroy what has been called its own „Fourth Reich‟, achieved by „banks instead of tanks‟.
Nevertheless, Germany‟s major right wing party, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), has always been fundamentally anti-EU and is now threatening to push for a „Dexit‟ if the EU does not restore its member countries‟ national sovereignty and fails to take any action against what the party calls „the Islamisation of Europe‟ within the next five years. Otherwise, as the AfD warns in its latest policy programme released ahead of the 2019 European elections, it will
“deem it necessary to consider a withdrawal of Germany [from the EU] or an orderly dissolution of the European Union and the establishment of a new European economic and interest community”(8)
The major structural reform demanded by the AdF is the scrapping of the European Parliament and its 751 MEPs and its replacement by a „European Assembly‟ with only 100 delegates and powers yet to be specified. The new EU politicians would be nominated by “national parliaments in proportion to their fractional strength”, which would also actually mean the end of European elections.
The AfD has praised Brexit and the Eurosceptic values of France’s National Rally movement under Marine Le Pen, as well as the policies of the populist anti-EU parties across Europe. The new AfD policy document deplores the fact that the EU has
“evolved into an undemocratic structure which has been occupied by Europe’s political classes and has been designed by non-transparent, uncontrolled bureaucracies” in addition to being “dominated by the particular interests of certain states and lobbying cliques”.
While Dexit would be “the last option”, the AfD says that it will still push for it if the EU does not curb “lobbyism and corruption” and reduce the size of its “bureaucratic apparatus”.
The AfD is fast becoming Germany‟s equivalent of a Brexit party, and the FAZ article‟s discussion of the purported link between European integration and National Socialism signals for Wolfgang Münchau of Eurointelligence “an explosive connection” which underlines that the „Euro élites‟ are beginning to recognise “the potential combustibility of this conflict”(9)
At the same time the FAZ has recognised a historical line which leads from Napoleon to Hitler and then to the EU. That these realities have been analysed in detail for nearly 3 decades in the UK, principally by the website and Rodney Atkinson’s books explains why it is the United Kingdom with its 800 year old democratic traditions which is the first out of the door of this dangerous European Union.
1; all translations mine
3 and Amazon
5 6
7 The German expression is “krank an Kopf und Gliedern” (literally: “sick in the head and limbs”)
8; translation mine throughout