The Reform Party (now headed by Nigel Farage) has many good policies which should appeal to left right and centre but it ruins them with dangerous warmongering and policies which display a naivety about elections and support for the unreformable!
They propose Net zero immigration which is an improvement on the other parties but seem willing to accept that migrants can keep coming so long as British people keep leaving – hence the “net zero”!!
By refusing to stand down in all seats regardless of the track record of individual MPs the party eliminates critical future parliamentary allies. The UK would never have left the EU with such mad electoral politics (as Reform’s new leader knows!)
The Reform Party supports the disastrous and unnecessary Ukraine war pursued by NATO/EU for over 20 years with 400,000 to 500,000 Ukrainian dead and wounded.
It supports the end of our voting system in favour of Proportional Representation, a system which gives even more power to corporatist party machines to frustrate their members, gives small parties unwarranted power and produces coalition governments which politicians want – not the voters.
Reform wants to elect the House of Lords which would then be an unacceptable rival to the Commons. Abolition would be logical – and preferable.
It supports lower VAT but by not changing the low threshold which daily hits small businesses.
Reform claims that the disastrous nationalised sickness service (whose track record of killing patients is a disgrace) is “the most loved health service in the world”
The former leader Richard Tice supported COVID vaccination compulsion saying those who were not vaxed should lose their jobs! He attacks the excellent MP Andrew Bridgen for his exposure of excess deaths and vaccine dangers.
Reform supports no change to wasteful and corrupt overseas aid (£13bn pa)
Political judgement is all at sea as was clear when Reform announced their candidate for the Rochdale by-election, one Simon Danczuk who had been suspended by the Labour party for sending inappropriate ‘sexy’ text messages to a 17-year-old:
The good policies are very promising but it is a pity they are only being proposed by the Reform Party which is, as we see above, fatally flawed.
- A Net Zero Referendum
- A full public enquiry into the Covid jabs scandal.
- BBC licence fee to be abolished.
- no gender and woke indoctrination in schools,
- scrap net zero and related State subsidies;
- scrap the 2035 combustion engine ban, the Ultra Low Emission Zones, the fifteen minute neighbourhoods and the 20mph speed limits, “We should be using our own coal, our own lithium, our own North Sea oil and natural gas, our own shale gas.”
- abolish business rates BUT apparently only “for small and medium firms”
- a ban on Sharia Law
- Reclaiming Britain: …….”.multiculturalism has led to the growth of separate communities that risk nurturing extremism and the rejection of our way of life. Christian values are under threat.”
- stop postal voting except for the elderly, disabled or for those that can’t leave their homes
- reject participation in supranational undemocratic forums like the World Economic Forum and the WHO.
- leave the ECHR and return migrants to France
I am sure Nigel Farage knows what a hotchpotch of policies has been created by Tice and rejects many of those policies but it is now too late. “Reform” misses the mark. One man who has got it nearly all right is the former Conservative MP for NW Leicetershire, Andrew Bridgen now standing as an Independent (and against whom Reform proposes to stand)
There are very few politicians in parliament willing to fight for the people against the corporate State and media tyranny which has so debased our nation’s health, wealth and democracy and pushed us towards world war – but the outstanding example is Andrew Bridgen MP who is standing as an Independent in North West Leicestershire, having previously been elected as its Conservative MP with a majority of 26,000. He was ejected from the Conservative party because he told unpalatable truths about the COVID scandal and excess deaths.
He was an early campaigner against the crookery and cover up of the Post Office scandal – a particularly disgraceful example of corporate State exploitation of consumers and employees.
On the invasion by mass immigration and its promotion by the European Convention on Human Rights which overrides our laws he has been a vociferous opponent. He rightly says we must leave the ECHR and stop the French aiding and abetting the illegal migrant boats.
He has been scandalised by the obscene sexual indoctrination of our children in schools and put down his own Schools (Gender and Parental Rights) Bill in parliament.
He has exposed the catastrophic COVID vaccines as being dangerous experimental products which were neither “safe nor effective” and the big rise in excess deaths both in Britain and around the world long after the COVID infections ceased.
He has rightly understood the totalitarian “pandemic treaty” of the World Health Organisation and its threats to the British people and the country’s sovereignty in any future pandemic.
Andrew Bridgen has had the brain and the knowledge of international politics to understand the 20 year expansion of NATO (militarily) and the EU (constitutionally) Eastwards towards Russia and the newly formed Ukraine (for hundreds of years a part of Russia) and understands the obvious threat to Russia’s security. He understands the western overthrow of an elected Ukrainian government and the deaths of 14,000 Russians in Ukraine before the recent war started. He rightly calls for a peace agreement. British MP Andrew Bridgen: We are actually at war with Russia now, they just haven’t told you (
The voters of North West Leicestershire have an opportunity to elect a real, knowledgable democrat who will fight against all the destructive corporate and State forces which have impoverished consumers, frustrated voters and brought us to the brink of war. Vote Bridgen!
Anyone who would like to donate to Andrew’s campaigns can do so by visiting
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