Has there ever been a madder war? Zelensky claims he wants a sovereign independent Ukraine, as does Putin! Putin wants that sovereign independent Ukraine to be neutral while Zelensky wants Ukraine to surrender its military independence to NATO and its constitutional independence (and currency) to the EU. Incidentally the Nazi troops in his army – AZOV, AIDAR, C14 and Right Sector – having fought the Russians “for independence” would turn on him if they saw the terms of joining the EU!

In this photo Zelensky hands Dmytro Kotsyubayio, a Right Sector commander the “hero of Ukraine” award. It was the Right Sector’s Dmitry Yarosh who had warned Zelensky that he “could lose your life if you betray your country and those killed in the Donbass”
Given the slaughter of Russians in the Donbass by Ukrainian troops (and despite Vladimir Putin’s previous wish to see the two break away regions stay in Ukraine) it is now impossible to see them sacrificing their new found independence.
The mad, self destructive wish of Ukraine to sacrifice its sovereignty on the NATO/EU altar can only be prevented if Putin dictates terms. Putin and Zelensky indeed have much in common but NATO/EU have prevented any rational solution.
We seem to be near the beginning of the end of the Ukraine crisis, with President Zelensky’s admission that Ukraine will never join NATO and the Russian encirclement of Ukrainian forces in the East and Kiev itself. No one exposed only to NATO/EU propaganda (aided by the systematic banning of Russian news) will be surprised things are moving so quickly. It is dangerous for western politicians to believe their own propaganda.
Ukraine has been cynically used as a battering ram for aggressive western military and economic interests as NATO/EU’s expansion approaches the borders of Hitler’s conquests in 1942. Of course in 1942 Spain Turkey and Portugal were neutral. Not today.

Even if the West were not disfigured by blatant post second world war Nazism and Fascism in military, economic and political spheres as I showed in the books “Fascist Europe Rising” and “And into the Fire” the Russians’ historical experience of invasion from the West dictates that they see the present situation as an existential threat. No objective viewer would think that unreasonable. China, India and many other countries evidently do not think so.
And when it came to a Russian retaliation where was NATO? Arming a weak Ukraine, reliant on students and untrained troops to confront the most powerful armed forces in Europe. And all the while provoking that power with abuse, sanctions, treaty breaking and assassinations (actual in case of the Donetsk leader and proposed in the case of Putin).
And into that heated cauldron the British Foreign Secretary urged British people to take up arms and fight for Ukraine. While committing no forces whatsoever herself Truss exploited propaganda fuelled young people to get killed in a far off field. One such, a certain Jason Hague, went. He was frightened by Russian forces, was captured and beaten up by Ukrainians and is now back in the UK!
A similar story can be told about Ukraine itself, seduced by western “aid” (which ended up enriching Hunter Biden and other sons of Democrat politicians, criminals and foreign corporations (and giving US bio labs cheap labour at $5 an hour!): by military aid which just provoked a Russia with legitimate security concerns, then faced destruction by a Russian invasion, abandoned by NATO and now negotiating what could have been achieved years ago by declaring neutrality, meeting its obligations under the internationally brokered Minsk agreements, restoring Russian economic links, trading with East and West alike and rebuilding Ukraine.
We will deal with the civilian celebrations of Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators in a later post but here we are concerned with the overt Nazism of the armed forces which are daily being revealed.
A picture is better than a thousand words and these tell a truly obnoxious story of the fascist stamp of approval given by the western allies as the same extreme politics which the NATO/EU destruction of Yugoslavia brought to Croatia, Bosnia and Albanian Kosovo now emerges “in spades” in Ukraine’s armed forces:
A Ukraine soldier displaying the Nazi “Totenkopf” insignia (to the right of the Ukrainian flag)

An AZOV soldier with Nazi insignia on his arm.

Photo at the 81st Ukrainian Brigade in Izuyum (Eastern Ukraine) now fallen to the Russians.

And finally a collage of western reports in the recent past of the extreme dangers of Nazism in Ukrainian society and the armed forces. Today’s censorship has led them to deny their past warnings and make the moronic case that it is Putin who is the new Hitler. When black is portrayed as really white and Fascists are portrayed as anti Fascists (as they were in Yugoslavia) then you know where the madness lies.
