In 1960 the then Prime Minister Edward Heath (who sacrificed the British people’s right to self government when he signed the EEC accession Tr... Read more
For a man as ignorant of history, ideologies, geopolitics, German imperialism and European fascism as David Cameron his arrival at his fanatical support for the most dangerous movements in E... Read more
The remarkable ease with which terrorists could travel within the EU’s borderless Schengen countries to kill 160 people in Paris and Brussels has alarmed everyone except the Euro-elite in Br... Read more
If the average Westerner could see the modern Russia he would see something of his long lost past – before fatuous American neocons, social imperialist Obama democons, Islamophile anti... Read more
The German car company BMW has threatened its workforce in Britain that “although leaving the EU was a matter for the British voter” actually leaving would affect the company’s “British work... Read more
David Cameron’s corporatist fascist credentials have never before been so openly exposed. After negotiating a pathetically weak “new deal” with the EU’s representative Donald Tusk he went no... Read more
Many years ago at a London cocktail party – it was just after Douglas Hurd and Francis Maude had signed the 1992 Maastricht Treaty – I explained to Hurd that the British politica... Read more
“Tackling the EU Empire” By Anthony Coughlan Review By Rodney Atkinson “Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the... Read more
ANOTHER GIFT FROM MERKEL THE MORON Having invited hordes of unchecked Middle East and African migrants into Europe (with no word of approval from Germans, Europeans or their elected represen... Read more
“In some areas of the Middle East where church bells have rung for centuries on Christmas Day, this year they will be silent,” President Barack Obama said in a statement on December 23. “Thi... Read more