White, far left instigators of racial tensions and street violence in supposed defence of blacks will not admit that it is precisely those they attack (the white Anglo Saxon capitalist world... Read more
The British Government seems spineless and inactive as raging mobs of racial minorities exploited by the revolutionary anti western and anti white “Black Lives Matter” tear down and daub sta... Read more
Here Dr Tomaz Slivnik describes for Freenations the imminent threat to the entire western economy (and military) of a potential Chinese takeover of Taiwan whose semiconductor manufacturing i... Read more
All these false accusations against Dominic Cummings could have been checked easily by journalists before printing them. But such is the hatred and bigotry of sections of the press in Britai... Read more
There were two basic schools of thought about how to react to the Coronavirus. The social and business shut down model (based on the now discredited work of Imperial College London which gi... Read more
Counting COVID19 deaths are critical to the justification of shutting down the world economy, building new hospitals, sending patients (some with the virus) back into nursing homes and the p... Read more
NHS staff deaths are far lower than among the general public, the coronavirus death statistics are flawed, infection rates are much higher (and so death rates much lower than official statis... Read more
Bernard Chalumeau is the founder and president of the Alliance pour la souverainite de la France and I have known him for many years. I sent him the following set of interactive photographs... Read more