While the Ukrainian forces order the killing of Russian prisoners, Russia spares the lives of Ukrainian soldiers convicted of murdering Russian troops and civilians. Donbas civilians tell th... Read more
The dangerous but largely useless COVID vaccines continue to stimulate (as they have done since December 2020 when they started) Covid infections throughout the world. There is evidence that... Read more
Having warned ** since the 1980s about the rise of State corporatism of left and right in Europe (the classic unholy alliance which leads to Fascism and Nazism) we now see in US vote rigging... Read more
Never has there been so much prima facie evidence of election fraud in a US election. The fake news, manipulating and censoring mainstream media no longer report what is happening. When they... Read more
No nation, no electorate, no democracy can be bound by treaties signed by treasonous leaders. John Major and Theresa May both signed treaties with the European Union which overturned critica... Read more
Masks continue to prove ineffective, COVID tests are unreliable, second waves are coinciding with very low death rates and the UK government has chosen a disastrous “model country” (Belgium... Read more
Previous investigations of “Russian interference” in western elections have been shown to be either false or exaggerated. This Report by the Intelligence and Security Committee of the Briti... Read more
Seeking as usual to sow hatred and division, the fascist left and the stupid right have called the traditional (usually annual) prorogation of parliament a “coup d’Etat” and a “constitutiona... Read more
This foreword to the book CHRONICLES OF THE RENEWED CRUCIFIXION OF KOSOVO by Metropolitan Amphilochius (Radovich) – ISBN: 978-86-7660-177-6 – by the former Canadian Ambassador to... Read more