One of the leading experts in the effects of aluminium on animal and human health (and not least the use of aluminium since the 1930s in vaccines) Dr Christopher Exley of Keele University has been “cancelled” by his University. In recent years the University has accepted funding from the Foundation run by Bill Gates whose investments in vaccines is huge (he has boasted how profitable they are!) and would find research showing the dangerous contents of vaccines a blow to his organisations. While accepting Gates’ money Keele has shut down Exley’s website and prevented those funds which have for years supported his work from donating to him.
In 2021, Keele University’s dean of natural sciences wrote to Exley “the university will no longer provide facilities to solicit or enable restricted charitable donations” for research on “the bio-inorganic chemistry of aluminum and its links to neurodegenerative disease.”
Exley’s research group has published important scientific insights in more than 200 peer-reviewed publications. Latest research indicates a stronger connection between Aluminium and Alzheimers.
Dr. Exley. “Either way, the new research confirms my resolve that within the normal lifespan of humans, there would not be any AD (Alzheimers) if there were no aluminum in the brain tissue. No aluminum, no AD.” Reference: “Aluminum and Amyloid-β in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease” by Matthew Mold, Caroline Linhart, Johana Gómez-Ramírez, Andrés Villegas-Lanau and Christopher Exley, 13 January 2020, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
But big Gates money talks – and suppresses and cancels someone who could provide scientific proof of the dangers of that aluminium which is so critical in the Gates’ (extremely profitable) push for world vaccination.
While accepting Gates money the University rejected a $15,000 donation from Robert F Kennedy Jr’s “Children’s Health Defense” organisation. Explaining the rejection the University’s anti-science and pro money attitude was clear:
“prominent public figures or foundations could place the institution in an ethical and reputational predicament.” and “could generate potentially negative media coverage and may also jeopardize the strong relationships it holds with its existing major funders and partners.”
If that is not a precise description of the money distortion of science I don’t know what is!
Showing how corporatist influence is disfiguring not only business and political life but also academic research, Keele partnered over recent years with the UK’s largest pharmacy company Well Pharmacy
“The University’s Pharmacy School was radically transformed in 2019 as well, and was reconfigured as the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering. The pharmaceutical and biotech industries were given precedence and exclusive influence over the science and technology department at Keele. Exley’s research was quickly targeted by the growing pharmaceutical influence at the university because Exley’s research team was brave enough to study the health impacts of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.”
We have seen a similar distortion of modern “science” in the hundreds of millions of pounds devoted to “Climate Research” when that other side of the anti democratic (and anti science) corporatist coalition, the increasingly unaccountable State, made questioning a totalitarian climate orthodoxy tantamount to a crime!
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote to Keele in 2020:
“Allowing industry to quash science for fear that it might expose profitable practices as harmful to public health is offensive to every tenet of academic freedom, scientific integrity, ethics and morality.”
As future generations of State and corporate managers play their “cancel culture” games at Universities the British Government should make the Cabinet Office responsible for (and give power to enforce) objectivity and academic freedom in business, Government and academic life, ensuring State funding itself does not bias any kind of research or business development.
The WHO and the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) have approved several vaccines (including the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca available in the UK) ONLY for “Emergency Use”. The WHO “Emergency Use Licensing” system states that:
As part of the EUL process, the company producing the vaccine must commit to continue to generate data to enable full licensure and WHO pre-qualification of the vaccine
In other words these vaccines are not fully approved and licensed nor will they be until much more is known.
The uncertainties surrounding the vaccines are evident when we see the numbers of deaths and severe adverse reactions suffered by healthy individuals as the vaccines are rolled out. They are far more serious and extensive than indicated by the trials of those vaccines. Indeed in the USA mRNA vaccines have killed more people in 3 months than a decade of inoculations. In Europe there have been nearly 4,000 deaths.
The USA’s FDA guidelines are the same for the three main vaccines. Here are the guidelines for the Emergency Use Approval of the Pfizer vaccine. I wager that not one American before vaccination was shown this list of caveats – which would have been the normal demonstration of the patients’ “informed consent”.
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and may prevent you from getting COVID-19.
There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine.
In an ongoing clinical trial, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been shown to prevent COVID-19 following 2 doses given 3 weeks apart. The duration of protection against COVID-19 is currently unknown.
On the other hand it has been shown that the duration of immunity against the SARS virus from those who were infected (with no vaccination) has lasted 17 years. That is naturally acquired immunity!
UK deaths from the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines total (as at 14th March) 585. Spontaneous Abortions now total 35. As explained in the last post on this subject the 3779 cases of Lymphadenopathy are potentially worrying since this condition coincides with the symptoms of the breakdown of the immune system as in MS, Diabetes, Arthritis etc.
Once again the COVID cases induced by the vaccines are worrying not least since the death rate from the vaccine cases is over twice the level of the death rate for the virus in general.
COVID-19 vaccine Pfizer analysis print
from 9/12/20 to 14/3/21
Lymphadenopathy 2338
Myocardial infarction 34 (deaths 9)
Eye problems 1629
Diarrhoea 1760 (deaths 4)
Death/sudden death 120
COVID 498 (deaths 29) 5.8%
Spontaneous abortion 26
respiratory disorders 4632
total deaths 259
COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca analysis print
from 9/12/20 to 14/3/21
Lymphadenopathy 1441
Myocardial infarction 48 (deaths 14)
Eye problems 3369
Diarrhoea 3594
Death/sudden death 156
COVID 193 (deaths 16) 8.3%
Spontaneous abortion 9
respiratory disorders 8024
total deaths 326
While in the UK and Israel (both leaders in the numbers vaccinated) the daily infections and deaths have fallen dramatically, in the USA which has a very successful vaccine roll out, cases seem to be rising again. In another successful vaccine State, the UAE, the infection fall has stopped. In China the virus has been dormant for a year with hardly any more cases. Although they started vaccinations in July 2020 the infections had virtually died out before that date. Today about 10% of Chinese have been vaccinated.
Serbia decided to buy vaccines from all available suppliers regardless of political considerations and cost and has (at 1/4/21) the 7th highest vaccination rate in the world. Unfortunately the country is in the middle of a serious third wave which has been rising since mid February, – ie after the vaccinations began.