In 1960 the then Prime Minister Edward Heath (who sacrificed the British people’s right to self government when he signed the EEC accession Treaty in 1972) asked the Lord Chancellor, Lord Kilmuir, to advise him on the constitutional implications of joining the European Economic Community (as it then was). The reply was never published and only became known in the late 1990s after the correspondence (FCO 30/1048) was sealed under the Official Secrets Act in 1971. In that letter Lord Kilmuir advised that the constitutional implications for British self government were very serious and
Parliament here would have in substance, if not in form, abdicated its sovereign position
Parliament (would) enact at the outset legislation which would give automatic force of law to any existing or future regulations made by the Community……this would go far beyond the most extensive delegation of powers even in wartime that we have ever experienced
we must act on the assumption that entry into the Community would be irrevocable. We should therefore have to accept a position where Parliament had no more power to repeal its own enactments
There is no precedent for our final appellate tribunal being required to refer questions of law (even in a limited field) to another court
I must emphasise that in my view the surrenders of sovereignty involved are serious ones and I think that as a matter of practical politics, it will not be easy to persuade Parliament or the public to accept them. I am sure that it would be a great mistake to under-estimate the force of objections to them. But these objections ought to be brought out into the open now….
Heath took no notice of the Lord Chancellor’s analysis or objections and proceeded to surrender his country to a foreign power and our courts to a foreign jurisdiction. This petition demands that these critical issues (for so long censored by those who betrayed our country, our parliament and our democracy) must now be debated in Parliament.
I highly recommend you sign this PETITION:
Rodney Atkinson