Dateline: 20th November 2007
The grotesque bias against the Serbs (the long time anti fascist ally of the British and the US in the Balkans) and the EU and NATO’s promotion of Albanian and Bosnian Muslims and Croatian nationalists (the long time adversaries of western democracy and war time allies of Fascism) is coming to its next logical disaster – the recognition of an independent Kosovo. This will undoubtedly precipitate a fresh East West crisis.
The elections in Kosovo, built on the removal of hundreds of thousands of Serbs (the remainder of whom in Kosovo understandably boycotted the poll) demonstrates that NATO and the UN have succeeded in achieving that very murderous ethnic cleansing and extremist Government (headed by a war criminal) which they attacked Serbia to prevent. The result of the Yugoslav war is the ethnic cleansing not by Serbs but of Serbs – a million of them.
It is of course logical that the UN unapproved war against Serbia (one of the the most illegal wars of all time) should be reaching its conclusion illegally. Without the approval of the UN the internationally reconised territory of a sovereign State (Kosovo) is being handed over to a murderous terrorist clique (the KLA) whose power is based on the ethnic cleansing of Serbs, Jews and gypsies and a particularly bigoted form of Islam. A Canadian military journalist encountered Agim Ceku, the putative “Prime Minister” of Kosovo, coming “face to face with the savagery of which (he) was capable. Over 200 Serbian inhabitants of the Medak Pocket were slaughtered in a grotesque manner. Our traumatized troops who buried the grisly remains were encouraged to collect evidence and were assured that the perpetrators would be brought to justice”.
In 1995, Ceku, was responsible for shelling Serbian refugee columns and for targeting the UN-declared “safe” city of Knin during the Croatian offensive known as Operation Storm. Some 500 innocent civilians died and UN officers who witnessed the slaughter demanded that Ceku be indicted. Today this man is given space in the Wall Street Journal and is about to be recognised as the co-leader of an new state called Kosovo.
Surely the three supranational institutions in which the British and American Governments play such a prominent role, the EU, NATO and the UN have never sunk so low. But the first instincts of those Governments, as well as the French, was to support the integrity of Yugoslavia and resist the plans hatched by “German Europe” to re-establish their Second World War pattern of Balkan allies. But a fatal infestation of fascist inclined corporatists had penetrated the US State Department and Germany forced the pace in the EU – recognising, along with the Vatican the embryo State of Croatia in 1991.
Thus does Europe go full circle ans thus do the US and UK find themselves on the side of their enemies, destroying their friends!