In considering Russia’s fears in Ukraine we must imagine how we would react if the West had lost the cold war, the Warsaw Pact had absorbed every East European country including East Germany, had caused a democratically elected west German leader to be victim of a coup and had poured billions into manipulating an election of a communist in his place. Warsaw Pact troops and weaponry would have poured into Eastern European countries. I suggest the West would rightly complain of Soviet Russian aggression, just as Russia rightly complains of NATO aggression today. We might even appeal to the balancing power of China to the East as our ally!

On the 75th anniversary of the defeat of Nazism and Fascism in Europe both Boris Johnson and Donald Trump wrote to Vladimir Putin thanking Russians for the decisive contribution (with over 20m Russian deaths) to the defeat of Hitler’s Europe. Johnson referred to the defeat of our “common enemy”, Nazi Europe, which of course included Ukraine, Croatia, Bosnia, Vichy and collaborationist France, Bosnian and Kosovan Nazis, Italian Fascists and many more. Trump recalled the meeting on the Elbe of American and Russian forces and sent good wishes to Vladimir Putin.
The potential for peaceful and collaborative relations between the West and a Christian, imperially retreating, increasingly capitalist and embryo democratic Russia was great but German Europe’s new Drang nach Osten and American Neo-con expansionism financed and stimulated Ukraine into attacking Russians both internally (with extreme nationalist gangs) and externally (through western weaponry).
The Obama administration had the unmitigated gall to accuse the Russians of interfering in the internal affairs of the Ukraine. The Ukraine was to the Russians a bit like Texas to the USA except with grain rather than oil! The Russians nevertheless accepted the western financed Orange Revolution and later accepted the (western praised) free elections which brought President Viktor Yanukovych to power after the corrupt and strife ridden US/EU sponsored “Orange” Government had failed the people.
Russia had committed a $15 billion funding for Ukraine’s debt and sold them gas at a subsidised price only to see the EU send (over many years) the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to promote the takeover by the EU and several German politicians and leading EU Commissioners to “arbitrate” in a confrontation which they had themselves fomented.
The USA flooded Kiev with newly printed Dollars and provided the revolutionaries with the activists’ blueprint as used in the Arab Spring. In a speech at the National Press Club sponsored by the US-Ukraine Foundation, Chevron, and the Ukraine-in-Washington Lobby Group, Nuland boasted that she had made several visits to Kiev and that Washington had spent $5 billion to foment agitation to bring Ukraine into the EU.
No wonder that over recent decades we have seen a gradual reprise of the second world war (see with the USA and UK now taking the side of Russia’s mortal enemies and in Ukraine punching through, like Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa”, into historically Russian territory (the “Rus” came from the area around Kiev!) and breaking critical promises made to Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the freeing of former Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe.
10 of those countries have now joined NATO and a dangerous military conflict is now threatened between NATO and Russia over the potential NATO membership of Ukraine itself.
Despite specific assurances given to Gorbachev and other Russian leaders about NATO’s peaceful intentions in Europe George W. Bush abrogated the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that Richard Nixon had negotiated and the Americans tore up the INF nuclear treaty which prohibited land-based mid-range conventional and nuclear missiles.
The architect of Cold War containment, the American Diplomat and historian Dr. George Kennan, had warned that moving NATO into Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics would prove a “fateful error.” would “inflame Russian opinion” and “restore the atmosphere of the cold war in East-West relations.”
All this NATO and American hubris in a world in which even Richard Nixon in 1971 predicted the USA would “no longer be in the position of complete pre-eminence.” But even he would not have predicted the enormous growth of China as an economic and military competitor – nor that London and Washington would have been so foolish as to drive Russia into the hands of that very same China!
A perpetual western myth is that Putin “annexed” the Crimea from Ukraine. Prior to the western financed revolution of 2014 Ukraine was part of Russia (granted only administrative independence by Stalin). Putin moved to re-assert control of the 230 year old Russian territory to prevent the loss of his Sebastopol naval base on the Black Sea. He did so with the overwhelming support of the people of the Crimea (97% Russian supporting**) as even a delegation from the EU asserted after a visit.
For the significance of the Russian naval base at Sebastopol see my article comparing and contrasting Sebastopol with America’s Guantanamo Bay:
The UK has given military training and sophisticated weapons to Ukraine whose troops and civilians enjoy torchlight marches, wearing swastika-like symbols, celebrating the Nazi era and their wartime fascist leader Stepan Bandera – a man whom the Poles have every reason to hate for his wartime massacres. Are the Poles – today persecuted by those same Ukrainian nationalists in Lviv – just as Russians are persecuted in the Donbass – not allies of the UK?
In 2017 the Luhansk authorities in Eastern Ukraine captured two Ukrainian soldiers with bomb making equipment who confessed to assassinating the Donbas rebel commander Oleg Anashchenko. They admitted they were trained by American instructors at the military base in Khmelnitskaya.
More than 10,000 have died in Eastern Ukraine as Kiev has launched attacks on Ukrainian Russians who demand not even independence but devolution.
In April 2016 Ukrainian Nazis (a civilian association of the extreme nationalist Azov troops) marched with flaming torches to mark the 73rd anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian SS division in alliance with Nazi Germany. Even more obnoxious was the dignity accorded to this occasion by the Uniate church (which retains an Orthodox liturgy but acknowledges the rule of the Pope in Rome) which held a memorial service for those who had died in the ranks of the SS! Many Ukrainian Nazis escaped to South America in 1945 with the help of the Vatican!
A UN Human Rights Committee in 2014 passed a Russian resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism and the denial of Nazi war crimes. The British and German peoples might care to wonder why their Governments abstained! Even more shocking the US, Canada and Ukraine actually voted against the resolution.
Ukrainian Nazis who were guilty of the heinous crimes fled after the war, some to South America but many others to the UK, the USA and to Canada.
Justin Trudeau’s Canadian Government appointed in 2017 as Minister for Foreign Affairs (and deputy Prime Minister in 2019) a fanatical Ukrainian apologist Chrystia Freeland. Her grandfather was a vicious Jew hating Nazi and editor of the fascist Polish newspaper Krakivski Visti which operated under the notorious rule of Hans Frank (executed after the war). Expropriated from a Jewish owner under Nazi law, Krakivski Visti published an editorial on 6th November 1941 which said:
“There is not a single Jew left in Kiev today, while there were 350,000 under the Bolsheviks, the Jews “got their comeuppance.” (referring to the mass shooting of Kiev’s Jewish population at Babi Yar. In just two days, Sept. 29-30, 1941, a total of 33,771 people were murdered.)
Many soldiers whom the British army is training and arming in Ukraine belong to the notorious Azov battalions of extreme nationalist troops fighting in the Donbass which has a youth movement called “The Azovets” who attend a summer camp outside Kiev. Children of 6 years of age and over attend, wearing T-shirts bearing the Azov battalion insignia – the “Wolfsangel” or wolf hook, a swastika like symbol which was used during WWII by two of Nazi Ukraine’s SS divisions. Photos posted about the camps showed children being taught how to assemble an assault rifle before being given AK-47s to fire.
The situation in the Donbass is now extremely dangerous as the western armaments flooding into Ukraine, ostensibly to counter a “Russian invasion” could at any moment be used to launch a new offensive on the Donbass, most of whose Russians have become citizens of Russia. Russia is obliged by law to defend its own citizens and will not hesitate to move into the Donbass to do so.
Ukraine is by any standards an ideologically objectionable country (with a fascist history never faced nor rejected) whose present regime came to power by overturning with the aid of openly Nazi gangs a government which came to power in elections approved by the West. Kiev has waged a war against its own Russian citizens in Eastern Ukraine, killing thousands. Ukraine is not a member of NATO and the West is not committed to coming to their aid. There is no prospect of NATO membership soon but by refusing to rule that membership out NATO is holding a gun to Russia’s head – while moronically accusing Putin of “aggression”.
China has now joined Russia in condemning the threat to Russia through Ukraine. No surprise there! As Freenations has warned for years western aggressive moves to the East (through NATO and the EU) drove Russia into the hands of China, giving the small minority of recidivist communists inside Russia hope for a return of the Soviet Union and threatening a domino effect of Chinese aggression towards Hong Kong, Taiwan and in the South China Sea if the West continued to arm and train Ukraine and seek to punch a wedge into traditional Russia.
Ukraine has alienated many neighbours in Europe (Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Croatia). Even Germany sees the danger of ignoring Russia’s legitimate security concerns and has refused to send weapons to Ukraine. Kay-Achim Schönbach German vice admiral who served as the Inspector of the German Navy, said the idea that Russia wanted to invade Ukraine was nonsense. He added that all President Putin wanted was respect.
Even Ukrainians are not united. A rally was held in Kiev near the walls of the Verkhovna Rada [the Ukraine parliament] demanding that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky prevent a war with Russia. “We don’t want war with the Russian people! The Russian people don’t want war with us!” the protesters implored Zelensky.
The situation is far more dangerous than the western media allow and to the outsider the West’s position is not defensible.
** Crimea is 97 percent loyal to Russia, people there speak almost exclusively Russian (Tatar is a rare exception, Ukrainian not at all), but still ethnic Russians (by blood) do not make up such a big part of the population. 16 percent are Crimean Tatars (most of them loyal to Russia). But there are also Armenians, Jews, Bulgarians, Russian-speaking Ukrainians. All of them are loyal to Russia, only a few of the Crimean Tatar elite is anti-Russian, (most of them moved to Kiev in 2014 and from there organized electricity blackouts and a water blockade for their former Crimean brethren).