When a politician’s whole purpose in life is power and not democracy then he has entertains no principles which could ever deflect him from the pursuit of power.
He is as likely to be for and against something at different times depending on whether his power cravings demand one stance or its opposite.
Blair is totally schizophrenic on the transatlantic relationship. On the one hand he knows that the British and Americans are hewn from the same cultural, political and racial stone and we share the same parliamentary and legal traditions on the other hand he is devoted to the abolition of Britain within a United States of Europe.
On the one hand he wishes to have the kind of freedom which will allow him to spend what he likes on military expeditions and wars around the world on the other hand he is committed to accepting controls over our national budget by the European Commission. (The Commission has just warned Gordon Brown about overspending!)
On the one hand Blair rejects the French, German and Belgian position on the Iraq war, he knows that the Belgians refused to sell us ammunition during the 1991 Gulf war (and in 1940 they even stopped our troops marching through Brussels to defend them against the Nazis!!) on the other hand he is committed to sharing a common defence policy with those countries.
On the one hand Blair demands controls over illegal immigration and asylum seekers in the UK on the other hand he is committed by Treaty to allowing unchecked entry by anyone who is made a “Citizen of the European Union”.
On the one hand he sails around the world as George Bush’s quasi envoy on the other hand he agrees to a common foreign policy and common diplomatic service with the EU whose principle members detest his foreign policy!
You do not have to be mad to be a Tony Blair but once you try to be all things to all men for the sake of power then you end up like Blair – trusted by no one and despised by everyone.