The former EU Commission President Jose Barroso, whose corporatist career has now landed him a well paid job with the US Merchant Bank Goldman Sachs once said that “The Czech Republic has signed the treaty and so the Czech Republic has an obligation to ratify.” In other words what a clique of politicians sign is more important than the will of the people on whose behalf they signed. In 2008 he also showed contempt for the voters in the UK: “people who matter in British politics” he said were thinking about giving up the Pound. Barroso’s “people who matter” did not of course include the voters who rejected the Euro by some 80%
Goldman Sachs was responsible for the farcical claim that Greece’s finances qualified the country to join the Euro in 1999. The figures were fudged and complete fiction – and Greece has since been destroyed on the altar of the Euro. The bank also features indirectly in an example of the arrogant abuse by “EU Remainers” in Britain following the referendum decision to leave. A UKIP candidate reported to me his conversation with a Remainer:
“I don’t see why my son should be denied a job with Goldman Sachs in London by a bunch of white trash in the North of England!”, she said looking at me with unfeigned contempt and not disguising who she had in mind. She was the pro-Remain wife of a well-known pro-Remain High Court judge whom I recently met. Remonstrating that the U.S. bank Goldman Sachs had threatened to relocate to Frankfurt in the event of Brexit.
Here we see the kind of contempt for the working class – and the North of England in general – which characterises the modern pseudo intellectual on the fascist left. (see more below)
There has always been complete contempt for democracy and the will of the peoples of Europe by the European Union which was after all founded by “former” Nazis and Fascists and which proudly awards to those politicians (who have betrayed and delivered up their countries to the EU) the Nazi founded “Charlemagne Prize” and have spouted anti democratic nostrums mimicking the words of the Nazis and Fascists of the 1930s and 1940s. These are well documented in my books “Europe’s Full Circle” of 1997 and “Fascist Europe Rising” of 2001 (available on Amazon as ebooks)
This contempt is shared by the Brussels bureaucrat and even those formally elected – in very low turnouts – by “European citizens”. In an interview with European Report, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, President of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (represented in the European Parliament by the ALDE group) said:
“…No, these are people against the EU, there is a real confrontation that we should dare to come to terms with. Even within the European Parliament, these opponents represent 5% of the total with their silly little flags. Why do we let them do it? They have the right to have stupid opinions in a democracy, but these people should be attacked by telling them that they are stupid.”
These “silly little flags” did not include the preposterous EU flag of course to which so few feel any allegiance but the display of which has been forcibly bought by the EU Commission in return for grants to member states. In the UK of course the grants (plus a lot more) were paid for by the British taxpayer! And it turns out that most of the electorates are increasingly “stupid”. Contempt for the voters is a prime characteristic of fascist institutions where absolute power allows the “leaders” to determine what is truth, what is wise – and who are “stupid”. People they disagree with should not be persuaded but “attacked”.
On a state visit to Switzerland the German President Joachim Gauck criticised the Swiss system of direct democracy, saying that it is ‘dangerous when citizens vote on highly complex issues”. He was referring to the very understandable issue when the Swiss (given that immigrants account for 25% of the Swiss population) voted to stop free movement from the EU.
But the Euro-fascist left is openly violent and racist when their precious projects to destroy the nation states are in danger of being reversed by the people. In Germany, after the industrial scale rape of German women by refugee Muslim gangs the supranational left have displayed banners saying:
“Lets have more rapes of native Germans – wipe out the pure Germans”
David Cameron was a complete disaster as British Prime Minister and was disliked by eurosceptics and europhiles alike. He was ironically often attacked by his “partners in Europe”. But nothing roused their anger against him more than offering the British people a vote on leaving the EU. The former Danish Finance Minister, Mogens Lykketoft, of the Danish Social Democrat Party said that it was very wrong of Cameron to have asked the people! Of course in the EU it is States, not people who decide. That is why the whole corporatist edifice was set up through International Treaty Law which bypassed Parliaments – a system developed when Kings and Queens and a few Ministers decided matters of importance! – and so very adaptable to the modern world when only big business and Ministers decide!
Finally the Euro-fascist attitude in tooth and claw was uttered by the revolting President of the European Parliament no less! Martin Schulz, the German Social Democrat:
“The British have violated the rules – it is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate”
For the fascist left, defeat at the polls for their supranational imperial ambitions is blamed on “populism” – meaning the democratic will of the people they hate! They are, they say, not democrats led by principle but fools led by “demagogues” (as the German Social Democrat Thomas Oppermann called Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage)
“I want my f… European Union back you piece of shit” – the words of a low life British singer called Charlotte Church, but reflecting exactly the class hating, ignorant, simplistic, violent bigotry of the British fascist left. The kind who saw in the democracy-destroying, nation-destroying, parliament-destroying EU the future prosperity and unchallengeable political power of people like themselves. The fascist left inside the Labour Party is particularly nasty, not to say nazi! After the House of Commons debate on British involvement in Syria one blogger attacked Liz Kendal, a party leadership candidate:
“We need a final solution to purge Blaire scum like @leicesterliz from the Labour Party”
The Guardian newspaper, once a liberal newspaper based in that powerhouse of industrial change, Manchester, long ago embraced Socialism and a patronising middle class attitude to the working class. But since the rise of the European Union and Britain’s undemocratic entry the devotion of (most of) their journalists to the working class of the North (or anywhere else!) has been sacrificed for that corporatist form of socialism which impoverishes the people and raises corporate, State and supranational power to the new Gods of the left. So the Guardian was pleased to pass on the vicious anti British comments of a foreign journalist, Joris Luyendijk, following the Brexit which was so enthusiastically supported by the North of England and the British working class. Luyendijk wrote:
When the EU starts negotiating the terms of its divorce from the UK it must aim to inflict maximum political and economic damage. Financial powers should be repatriated from London and it must become nearly impossible for Asian, US or African multinationals to continue to have their EU headquarters in the UK. Universities, companies and cities must receive generous help to attract the best minds from their UK rivals, for instance by offering EU passports.
This ludicrous euro-fascist of course finds 25 million unemployed in the EU, youth unemployment of up to 55% and the depopulation of eastern and southern EU States a perfectly acceptable price for his new Euro-empire. No greater proof of the closeness of the euro-left to Fascism. After the Brexit vote another Guardian journalist described his own people in the following charming way:
“the English air is as foul as it has been at any point since my childhood. It is as if the sewers have burst. The Leave campaign has captured the worst of England and channelled it into a know-nothing movement of loud mouths and closed minds.”
But as we demonstrate here it is the eurofanatic closed minds who exhibit the foulest mouths and comprehensive bigotry towards their fellow man. Their minds are closed to the world of 160 free countries outside the corporatist fascist EU. They believe they can make common cause, friends and a ‘country called Europe” with people who do not speak their language but gave birth to communist and fascist tyrannies – but they cannot stand to be in the same democracy as their fellow citizens!
Like the German fascist left who welcome the backward, violent, murderous religions of the Third World, while rejecting their own Christian heritage and attacking their own people (“The Germans are not human” as one German banner proclaimed) so the fascist left in Britain despises its own.
It was the (electorally disastrous) leader of the British Labour Party, Ed Miliband, who said he would criminalise “Islamophobia” (the “irrational fear” of Islam)
“We are going to make it an aggravated crime. We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.”
So Labour put in its manifesto the policy to make “an irrational fear” a crime! Indeed a so called “aggravated crime”. The fear of being murdered by Islamists is not an irrational fear. The deaths of thousands in the USA on “9/11” the hundreds of deaths in France, Spain, Belgium and on the streets of London at the hands of Islamists and the specific words of hatred in Islam’s holy books show that it is perfectly rational to fear Islamic attacks. Reading the anti Christian and anti semitic bigotry in Islamic scriptures show that our fears are perfectly justified. But like Adolf Hitler and his friendship with the violently anti-semitic Grand Mufti Al Husseini and the Nazis with their Muslim SS divisions of Bosnians and Albanians during the second world war, the modern fascist left sees Islam as a battering ram to destroy all they hate in their own societies:
religious tolerance
traditional marriage
parliamentary democracy
The BBC is a classic corporatist organisation – centralised, authoritarian, funded by a levy on all television owners (regardless whether they ever watch the BBC) using State power to impose the levy and imprison non payers. It has a history of appeasement of fascism in the 1930s and of censoring views not part of its own political agenda (multi culturalism, the Euro-State, man made global warming etc).
During a BBC Radio 5 show “Up All Night” presented by the writer and publisher Dotun Adebayo, a caller referred to appalling revelations (accepted eventually even by Government) that Muslim Pakistani grooming gangs had been (and apparently still are) operating in many English towns, preying on underage working class white girls. Adebayo promptly interrupted and began to talk over him. Puzzled, the caller asked about the extensive sexual abuse of young girls. ‘Did that not happen?’ he persisted. The BBC presenter replied: ‘Actually, no, that’s not true, as you know’, and then cut him off completely. This is a classic case of the suffering of the British worker (whether with Muslim rape gangs or mass immigration undercutting wages) which demonstrate the complete indifference of the British fascist left to that class on which they built their “compassionate” movement but on whom they are now a parasitic exploiting clique with a strong superiority complex.
After the IRA’s bombing of the Tory Party conference in 1984, John O’Farrell Labour’s candidate in Eastleigh (2013) was “disappointed” that the IRA had not killed Thatcher. “Why did she have to leave the bathroom two minutes earlier?”. The pop singer, Elvis Costello sang about Margaret Thatcher: “But when they finally put you in the ground they’ll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down”. There is a song in the Billy Elliot musical (set against the miners’ strike of 1984-5) “Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher, we all celebrate today cos its one day closer to your death”
This bovine bigotry is violent at that level of humanity but it is nurtured by vicious attacks at the so called “intellectual level”. Professor Mary Warnock of Girton College Cambridge said Margaret Thatcher had “a total lack of understanding of what universities were about” and even if her views changed she added “she would still not be acceptable” because “watching her choose clothes at Marks and Specer there was something quite obscene about it”. Dr Jonathan Miller (the perpetual far left adolescent who started in student comedy!) called MT “loathsome, repulsive in almost every way” and had “the diction of a perfumed fart”. Oh how the bigots of the fascist left reveal so much about themselves !
Thank goodness there are on the left some decent defenders of the decent and when Sir Tim Hunt, a 72 year old distinguished Nobel Laureate was forced to resign from University College London for saying that mixed laboratories cause problems and women tend to cry when criticised Professor Richard Dawkins attacked the decision:
“When Saudi Arabia, where women can’t drive and bloggers are whipped and jailed, donates to UK Universities they gladly take the money. But ….UCL takes it out on a defenceless 72 year old scientist who doesn’t represent any danger – and any potential profit. This is a combination of hypocrisy, cowardice and prostitution”
And when the totalitarian fascist left takes over, with State protection, State funding and State management, almost the entire British “health” service it naturally produces one of the worst health services in the world, with excessive deaths due to hospital acquired infections, peri-natal deaths, delayed cancer diagnosis and botched operations.
Little Sam Morrish aged 3 died in December 2010 from sepsis at Torbay Hospital. The parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) said the NHS had showed “a total unwillingness to accept that any view other than their own was the right one” and had made “no attempt to seek to identify lessons from this case.”
But the truly vicious attitudes of the NHS were displayed when the parents of the child had complained and they were told by NHS staff “Don’t pick a fight with the NHS, you will lose”. Such are the vicious, arrogant and totalitarian attitudes of those who run the State NHS – the authoritarian socialist ideal with a track record of paying very high doctors’ salaries while killing more people every year than the British armed services!
Against this litany of corruption, arrogance, violence and indifference to the suffering of the voters displayed by the euro-fascist left, the 23rd June saw a revolution of the disempowered classes in the UK – rightly seeing their powerlessness as personified by the EU State and its philosophy, its moral and financial bankruptcy and its destruction of the democratic nationhood and parliamentary systems which give voice – and redress – to discontent.
But “Europe” was built not only by the fascist left but the corporatist right. While the former exploit the supranational and unaccountable power today it was the big business right and traditional European authoritarianism which constructed the EU. The corporatist right has its own character and a further article on them will appear in due course.
Rodney Atkinson
September 2016