The European Parliament, the UN, CNN and Amnesty International have all exposed and condemned Nazism and war crimes in Ukraine in the past. But now they are silent. My 30 years of warnings about the corporatist fascist foundation and imperialist nature of the EU (and serious worries about NATO itself) are now playing out like a film script. This photo of the openly Nazi Ukrainian AZOV troops posing with both a swastika and a NATO flag says it all. (

But this is not surprising when the first President of the European Union, Walter Hallstein (see my video below), was a fanatical Nazi and Paul Henri Spaak a Belgian National Socialist who said in 1938 “Some people wish to lead us into a policy of solidarity with the democracies against the fascist states. I refuse to stick to such a policy” was the first Secretary General of NATO or that the High Commander of the Nazi Armed Forces from 1938 to 1944 Ernst Heusinger became Chairman of the NATO military Committee from 1961 to 1964.
For horrific lists of Nazis and fascists active and powerful in the post war era see my book And into the Fire pages 14 – 42.
Before we look at the main Ukrainian Nazi groups fighting the Russians (and their own people see the horrific murders in the video from Mariupol blow) we must not forget that the totalitarian regime of President Zelensky is not the cuddly democrat of EU mythology.
A year ago Vladimir Zelensky «imposed sanctions» (!) on the mass media of his own country, shutting down TV channels 112 UA, News One and ZIK, firing all the journalists working there. At the time 112 UA and News One were the most watched channels in Ukraine. In August 2021 Zelensky without any legal authority shut down the web news site and its editor-in-chief Igor Guzhva.
Also last year Zelensky put on trial the leader of the most popular party in Ukraine «Opposition Platform — for Life», Vadim Medvedchuk. Medvedchuk, who played an important role in the Ukraine/Russia exchange of POWs, faced many years in prison for «contacts with the enemy», but in the end was placed under house arrest.
In Zelensky’s Ukraine thousands of Russians in the Donbass have been killed including some 150 children since 2014 (without any concern shown by the western press) Russians were attacked for speaking their own language and could lose their jobs. Ukraine was almost certainly preparing to develop its own nuclear weapons – hence the Russian concentration on nuclear power plants. And we now know that 26 USA financed Bio-labs in Ukraine were “researching” dangerous pathogens as the Ukraine Government has rushed to destroy them.
Nothing reveals a failed cause and fascist politics more than censorship and Zelensky and his Nazi supporters in Ukraine were doubtless instrumental in persuading the USA to take down this video by the well known film maker (not of my political persuasion) Oliver Stone. It was a superb historical panorama of the history of Ukraine and its anti Russian and anti Jewish racism and the murderous collaboration with Hitler’s troops during the Second World War. (I saw it before it was censored)
You can see an uncensored source here: if you can be bothered to go through the totally unnecessary process of proving your age! OH DEAR! THAT HAS ALSO BEEN TAKEN DOWN BY THE FREEDOM LOVERS! Maybe this one:
This censorship of historical truths is enforced today by those media outlets who previously exposed Nazi Ukraine:
“anti-Semitic, anti-Russian, and openly fascist groups have existed and do exist as a blight on modern Ukraine”,
CNN wrote that in March 2014 and quoted a 2012 European Parliament resolution raising 18 points of concern over policies embedded in the laws of the nation’s parliament, and denounced “the rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine”.
Today they censor those who reveal those truths again.
The Azov regiment, that still proudly wears the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel insignia, is committed to the destruction of the Russian state. It is notorious for attacking and displacing residents in eastern Ukraine, looting civilian property, as well as raping and torturing detainees in the Donbass, according to a 2016 UN report by the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA).
Andre Biletsky was the leader of the political party National Corps and the first commander of the volunteer militia Azov Battalion and was quoted as saying in 2010 that Ukraine’s mission was to
“lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”.
He was a member of the post-coup Ukrainian Parliament between 2014 and 2019. Azov formally joined the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014.
The former longtime commander and current leader in the National Corps, is Maxim Zhorin who recruits for the AZOV Battalion. He has made a practice of going on pilgrimages to sites where Hitler spoke in the past.
Founded in 2013 as a paramilitary confederation, it quickly expanded to include a political party. One of the group’s major patrons is Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Internal Affairs from 2014 to 2021 who enabled the expansion and later integration of paramilitary forces into the National Guard. Avakov actively supported the parliamentary candidacy of its members, including its neo-Nazi commander Andriy Biletsky in 2016, and has defended them in the media. The shift in leadership to participate in democratic processes caused the Battalion to form two organizations: the National Corps Party and the Azov Civil Corps.
So AZOV, with such a vicious racist militaristic programme and committing UN recognised atrocities is represented in the Ukrainian Parliament and supported by serving Government ministers.
In 2018, the National Corps rolled out a new Azov-affiliate known as National Druzhyna , a street gang of around 600 members. This group was responsible for multiple violent attacks on Roma, Jews, (compare exactly the same in Kosovo – seems to be a prerequisite for western support!) and other minority groups as well as political opponents, including academics.
For many years AZOV has courted and collaborated with Croatian fascists who glory under the name of the war time Nazi collaborators, the Ustashe, who were guilty of the most heinous crimes against Orthodox Serbs during the Second World war, running an extermination camp Jasenovac and killing Orthodox Christians who refused to convert to Roman Catholicism.
Freenations has frequently reported on the general neonazi atmosphere in modern Croatia (which was, like Ukraine today, embraced without hesitation by Germany and the European Union) – a pop group named after a machine gun whose fans give a collective Nazi salute, football fans who form the shape of a Swastika on the terraces at European football matches, attempts to deny the horrors of Jasenovac and active in the ethnic cleansing and murders of thousands of Serbs in the Krajina in 1995.
Now two EU/NATO backed Nazi groups come together. Here Ustashe and Azov members pose for a photograph in Ukraine:
These Croat extremists have fought as part of the Azov volunteer battalion against Russians in eastern Ukraine, using the conflict to unite Nazis and fascists in other European countries. No wonder, with such official Ukrainian government backing and international support for such extreme groups, European Nazis have not seen such an opportunity since 1945.

There are many other openly Nazi groups fighting for the Ukrainian government. One is AIDAR. Yet again their leaders seem perfectly acceptable to Zelensky’s administration.
On Tuesday 2/3/22, Ukrainian President Zelensky appointed Col. Maksym Marchenko to be the new head of the Odessa Administration, according to the Kyiv Post. Marchenko was once commander of one of the neo-Nazi army formations that fought Russian separatists in the Donbass, the Aidar Batallion, which was accused of war crimes in the Donbass in an Amnesty International report in September 2014.
Col Douglas MacGregor, a former military adviser to the Pentagon, in a US television interview:
“We saw similar in the Middle East. When the Islamists were beaten, they ran to the cities, used people as living shields, and that way tried to avoid getting annihilated. I think this is what is going on now: the Ukrainian army uses the population to avoid defeat.”
Russia agreed a ceasefire around towns like Kharkiv and Mariupol (which has been an Azov-stronghold since 2014/2015) but the western media report that in the latter case those who tried to take advantage of the “humanitarian corridors” were fired on. But by whom? It is clear that the defeated Azov and other Ukrainian troops are using civilians as “human shields” and some of the worst atrocities have been committed by Ukrainian forces – mainly Nazis in the Mariupol area who murdered this family as they tried to leave the city:
People trying to leave Mariupol murdered at roadblock by Nazis. A couple arrives at the scene and the man begins filming the carnage. The woman is shot dead and the man with the phone video escapes.
Why would Russians having declared humanitarian corridors so as to attack Nazi Azov troops in Mariupol without harming civilians, then stop civilians leaving? What does make sense is that the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol want civilians in the town in order to hide behind them.